Temperature, humidity and related climatic parameters are important to many industrial processes and the application of paint and coatings is no exception to that rule. Measuring and controlling climatic parameters such as relative humidity, air-temperature, dewpoint and moisture is vital to a successful application of high-end coating systems. Incorrect climatic conditions during pre-treatment and application often lead to premature failing.

Dewcheck 4 Series 2 – Dewpoint Meter
High-end industrial sensors combined with sophisticated calibration procedures guarantee the highest accuracy for extreme long terms. Up to 2 years guaranteed!
Standards: ASTM D3276-07, ISO 8502-4
The TQC DewCheck 4 – Dewpoint Meter (DPM)/ Dewmeter is an extremely versatile dewpoint meter to measure and record all climate parameters required to treat surfaces. This easy to use and robust dewmeter conforms to ISO 8502-4 & ASTM D3276-07 and measures the relative humidity (%RH), ambient temperature (Ta) and surface temperature (Ts) and calculates the dewpoint temperature (Td) and the difference between the dewpoint temperature and the surface temperature (ÄT). The difference between the surface temperature and dewpoint temperature indicates the optimal climate conditions for painting. All parameters can be stored in the dew meter’s memory, tagged with a date and time.
For communication between DewCheck 4 dewmeter and a PC the DewCheck dew meter USB cable is standard supplied. To analyze the data the DewCheck 4 comes with the special Ideal Finish Analysis software. This software is the most advanced temperature and humidity monitoring software package for Dew-point Meters available today. It offers user friendly reporting functions for standard production work as well as advanced calculations for in depth analysis of the climate parameters prior to coating. Detailed graphic representations and custom reports help to make the right decisions
The TQC Thermo hygrometer is a simple hand-held digital thermo/hygrometer. Temperature and air humidity are displayed simultaneously. Equipped with MIN/MAX memory, °C/°F selection, HOLD function and dew point indication.
The TQC Thermo hygrometer operates 10.000(!) hours on 3 batteries type AAA and switches itself off after 10 min.
ATTENTION HUMIDITY SENSOR The Humidity Sensors housed in these products are susceptible to contamination from pollutants such as solvents and exposure to saturated air and therefore are not covered under the 2 year warranty. Furthermore it is expected that the sensor’s readings will drift by up to 0.5% per year.

Sling Psychrometer

Bacharach type sling Psychrometer for indicating percent relative humidity on the basis of the wet bulb-dry bulb thermometer principle. The plastic case of the instrument is equipped with conversion scale for calculating the percent relative humidity.
Using a Sling Psychrometer
Relative humidity can be measured by an instrument called a hygrometer. The simplest hygrometer – a sling psychrometer – consists of two thermometers mounted together with a handle attached on a chain. One thermometer is ordinary. The other has a cloth wick over its bulb and is called a wet-bulb thermometer.
When a reading is to be taken, the wick is first dipped in water and then the instrument is whirled around. During the whirling, the water evaporates from the wick, cooling the wet-bulb thermometer. Then the temperatures of both thermometers are read.
If the surrounding air is dry, more moisture evaporates from the wick, cooling the wet-bulb thermometer more so there is a greater difference between the temperatures of the two thermometers. If the surrounding air is holding as much moisture as possible – if the relative humidity is 100% – there is no difference between the two temperatures. Meteorologists have worked out charts of these differences for each degree of temperature so that the observer can find relative humidity easily.
Relative Humidity – Temperature in Celsius
The table below can be used to estimate the relative humidity of air if dry and wet bulb temperatures are known.

Dew Point Calculator
The TQC Dew Point calculator is a handy tool to determine dew point temperature based upon the measurements from the sling psychrometer.
Includes a Celsius / Fahrenheit converter.

Hair Hygro Thermometer
High precision industrial hair-hygrometer. Designed to be attached to a facade. Casing made of nickel-plated SPCC. Diameter 150mm.
Measuring range RH: 20 to 100%
Measuring range temperature: -10 to 50°C
Dewmag Magnetic Thermo – Hygrometer
Dewmag Magnetic Thermo – Hygrometer , for use during application of protective coatings.
Thermo-hygrometer containing a combination of a precision hygrometer and two bimetal-thermometers. The relative humidity and temperature scales are so arranged that their indicators cross over a series of dew point indication curves in the centre of the dial. The dew point may be read off directly at the intersection of the two pointers.
An integrated bimetal-surface thermometer indicates the surface temperature so difference between dew point and surface temperature can easily be determined.
Powerful magnets are fitted to the back plate to enable it to adhere strongly to iron or steel surfaces. Additionally the gauge has a loop on the top of the back plate for fixing.

Digital Thermo Hygrometer
Digital thermo hygrometer for indoor use, to be used as benchtop or wall model.
Very large display (56 x 40 mm.), readable up to a distance of approximately 10 mtr.
Memory for minimum and maximum values and humidity readings, toggle between °C/ °F; time display; alarm function.

Electronic Data logger Sato SK-L200TH II
Extremely compact data logger for recording temperature and air humidity. Complete with attached combiprobe (T/RV).
A wire-combiprobe is optional. Directly programmable from the keypad or PC. Complete with attached combiprobe, USB cable and evaluation software
USB Data Logger For Temperature and Rh
USB data logger for temperature and relative humidity. The USB data logger has a memory for 32.000 readings (16000 temperature- and 16000 humidity readings), a dew point indication, a user-selectable alarm. The measuring interval can be set to 2, 5, 10 or 30 seconds; 1, 5, 10 or 30 minutes; 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 or 24 hours.
Supplied with analysis software.
Battery life depends on interval time settings.

The combination of hot wire and standard thermistor delivers fast and accurate measurements.
The TQC Hot-wire-Anemometer is ideal for low air velocity and volume measurement. The TQC Hot-wire Anemometer measures the air velocity in m/s, km/hr, ft/min, MPH and Knots.The instrument is supplied with a built-in temperature probe that measures air temperature in C° or F°.
The combination of hot wire and standard thermistor delivers fast and accurate measurements.
Elpro Ecolog Temperature & Humidity Datalogger
An extensive series superior quality Swiss dataloggers. Depending on the model temperature and/or humidity can be measured and logged. The real time and stored measured values can be read directly from the integrated display. All loggers can memorize up to 64,000 measured values, are equipped with an alarm function and can be connected to a computer for extensive data evaluation. A wide range of probes and accessories is available.

For 2 NTC sensors, external: -50 °C..+140 °C, internal: -35 °C..+55 °C
Alarm output
External start, alarm reset, InPos detection (with special connector)
For 3 NTC sensors, external: -50 °C..+140 °C, internal: -35 °C..+55 °C
Alarm output
External start, alarm reset, InPos detection (with special connector)
Automatic printout for data
For 4 NTC sensors -50 °C..+140 °C
Alarm output, 2 digital inputs
4 Button keypad, external start, alarm reset, measurement and alarm scroll
Direct connection to printer for alarm protocol and status
For 4 NTC sensors -50 °C..+140 °C with LEMO connector
Alarm output, 2 digital inputs
4 Button keypad, external start, alarm reset, measurement and alarm scroll
Direct connection to printer for alarm protocol and status
For 2 external, calibrated and interchangeable temperature and/or humidity sensors
-35 °C ..+70 °C, -35 °C..+55 °C/110 °C, 0 %RH..100 %RH -
Alarm output, 1 digital input
4 button keypad, External Start, Alarm Reset, Measurement and Alarm Scroll
Direct connection to printer for data and alarm printout
ECOLOG TH1 with standard sensor
Connection for 1 integrated -35 °C ..+55 °C, 0 %RH..100 %RH and/or
up to 2 external T/RH sensors -35 °C ..+55 °C/110 °C, 0 %RH..100 %RH
or 2 NTC temperature sensors -50 °C ..+140 °C -
Calibrated, interchangeable temperature and humidity sensors
Alarm output, 1 digital input
4 Button keypad, external start, alarm reset, measurement and alarm scroll
Direct connection to printer for alarm protocol and status
TP2: For 2 Pt100 sensors -200 °C..+550 °C – 4 wire system with DB15 connector
TP4-L: For 4 Pt100 sensors -200 °C..+550 °C – 4 wire system with LEMO connector
Alarm output, 1 digital input
4 button keypad, external start, alarm reset, measurement and alarm scroll
Direct connection to printer for alarm protocol and status

Digital Anemometer
Digital wheel anemometer with a built-in thermometer for measuring air velocity in for example ventilation ducts, air conditioning, etc. The meter has a ‘Hold’ function for holding the measured values.
Infrared Thermometer Professional
The TQC Infrared Thermometer Professional is designed to measure surface temperature under harsh industrial circumstances without the need of making contact with the object. The high quality optics (distance to spot size 50:1) makes measuring precise, even when the object is far away.
The laser pointer marks the target area and with the illuminated display it allows working in dark or poorly lit environments. The objects emission value is adjustable from 0.1 to 1.0, which results in a highly accurate measurement over the whole range.
Fast and simple operation, just point and shoot and the surface temperature is shown on the display within 500 m Sec. Typical applications are with surfaces that are hard to reach, moving objects or electrical parts, parts in curing ovens, bearings, electrical junctions boxes, coolants, engines, plastic molding, asphalt etc.

Precision Thermometer
The TQC Precision Thermometer is a handy pocket size thermometer with foldable stainless steel probe. Suitable for measurements in liquids and semisolids. Large clear display, ergonomic design and easy to clean. The instrument is equipped with an ON/OFF, MAX/MIN switch and can easily be set to fahrenheit if necessary.

Basic Inspection KIT
Assess the quality of old and existing layers of paint.
Standards: ASTM B117
To fulfill the demand of many companies in the line of paint and their customers we composed the “Basic Inspection Kit”. In the field the need had arisen of one standard measuring set to perform all measurements and tests regarding painting. -
The kit is created to be used by executives of painting companies, such as foremen and divisional heads. The measuring set is also a very useful tool for customers like housing associations.
The “Basic Inspection Kit” gives you profound information on the quality of old or existing coats of paint. The kit is also equipped with tools to perform measurements during application and delivery of a new paint job.
The “Basic Inspection Kit” consists of the following tools:

Ideal Finish Analysis Software
The Ideal Finish Analysis Software is the most advanced coating climate, coating cure and coating thickness monitoring software package available today. With two user levels Ideal Finish Analysis offers user friendly reporting functions for standard production work as well as advanced calculations for in depth analysis of the climate parameters prior to coating, the curing process and oven performance during coating and the thickness after coating. Detailed graphic representations and custom reports help you to make the right decisions to optimize your production process.
Ideal Finish Analysis is updated frequently to keep up with the latest developments in the coating and corrosion prevention industry and to comply with new Windows operating systems.